Undergraduate level courses
The Nursing Programme on Bachelor level and the Specialist Nursing Programmes on Advanced level are only offered in Swedish. However, clinical placements can be offered with supervision in English for exchange students.
Leadership in Theory and Practice in Nursing - Theoretical
Course code: SJSB50
Credits: 6
Study period: 2
Syllabus SJSB50 (PDF, 222 kB, new window)
Inpatient Somatic Care Clinical Training
Course code: VMFD62
Credits: 3
Study period: 1 or 2
Syllabus VMFD62, Inpatient Somatic Care - Clinical Training, 3 credits (PDF, 235 kB, new window)
Inpatient Somatic Care Clinical Training
Course code: VMFD63
Credits: 6
Study period: 1 or 2
Syllabus VMFD63, Inpatient Somatic Care - Clinical Training, 6 credits (PDF, 235 kB, new window)
Primary Health Care - Clinical Training
Course code: VMFD64
Credits: 3
Study period: 1 or 2
Syllabus VMFD64, Primary Health Care - Clinical Training, 3 credits (PDF, 235 kB, new window)
Primary Health Care - Clinical Training
Course code: VMFD65
Credits: 6
Study period: 1 or 2
Syllabus VMFD65, Primary Health Care - Clinical Training, 6 credits (PDF, 235 kB, new window)
Home Care - Clinical Training
Course code: VMFD66
Credits: 3
Study period: 1 or 2
Syllabus VMFD66, Home Care - Clinical Training, 3 credits (PDF, 234 kB, new window)
Graduate level courses (Masters)
Within our Master's Programme in Medical Sciences targeting students in Nursing, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy we offer a number of courses in English. To meet the special eligibility requirements, applicants must have completed courses corresponding to 90 higher education credits in their main field. Some courses may be possible to follow for students in the final semester of their Bachelor programme.
Health declaration for clinical practice
MRSA-screening and vaccination records
Contact Information
Christina Jeppsson
Email: christina [dot] jeppsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (christina[dot]jeppsson[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 (0) 46-222 71 13
Coordinating exchanges within:
- Medicine (inbound)
Sofie Wallberg
Email: sofie [dot] wallberg [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (sofie[dot]wallberg[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 (0) 46 222 31 73
Coordinating exchanges within:
- Biomedicine
- Nursing
Maria Sjöström
Email: maria [dot] sjostrom [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (maria[dot]sjostrom[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 (0) 222 14 98
Coordinating exchanges within:
- Occupational therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Speech therapy and audiology
Camilla Ennerberg
Email: camilla [dot] ennerberg [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (camilla[dot]ennerberg[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 (0) 46-222 14 71
Coordinating exchanges within:
- Public Health